Wut up my fellow blog readers! I'm starting a new trend on my blog called "Question Wednesday"-- I'm thinking of a less cheesier title so just roll with this one for right now. Every Wednesday I will be answering on my blog some of the questions that you guys might have. On anything. But of course they have to be Christian affiliated questions. So questions such as how do I change the breaks on my car, will not be covered. Sorry. I still need to learn how to change the oil in my car. This is your chance to ask that question that you've been dying to ask! :)
So. You can write your question on here or through Facebook. Or, if you wish to ask a question that requires you to so so privately you can do this by e-mailing me to perezfernanda@yahoo.com. If you wish for me to not mention your name, I won't do so. I will choose one question, at random, and do my best to give an answer, according to scriptures, on the blog. I'm open to try and answer any questions you guys may have. So start asking! :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Career dilemma...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
questions, comments, ideas?
Maybe it's the fact that my mom is cooking and I can smell the bomb aroma of rice being cooked all the way to my room, or maybe it's my cute little puppy who just crawled into my lap asking for me to play with her. She talks. Just ask my mom. But whatever it is, I have major writers block because I keep on getting distracted. The smell of my mom's cooking is not helping, because all I can think about FOOD!!!! Please help a sistah out. I need inspiration. My brain today has run out of its creative juices. If you have some, please give them to me so I can drink them.
What are some questions you would want answered, topics you would like me to touch on, ideas, anything? It's your turn to call the shots. Write to me on Facebook or write your comments on here. Can't wait to hear from you guys! :)
What are some questions you would want answered, topics you would like me to touch on, ideas, anything? It's your turn to call the shots. Write to me on Facebook or write your comments on here. Can't wait to hear from you guys! :)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tamales for Christmas...
Every year for Christmas there's always one thing me and my family eat. Tamales. It's tradition. It's a rule. Without them Christmas would be bland, boring, and without any flava. It's like having Thanksgiving without turkey.Birthday parties without cake. Cinco de Mayo without carne asada. That's just how it is in our family. Fact is, you can't be Mexican and not eat tamales for Christmas. It's like the unwritten rule written by the tamale gods. Or something like that.
Today is Christmas eve and there is a high possibility that I will gain about 5 extra pounds by the end of the night. And then I'll probably get depressed afterwards because my jeans won't fit as good. And then I will try to lose them. And then I will gain them back. My life. But hey, it's Christmas eve, which is my only excuse to pig out without being judged. :)
So weather your eating tamales tonight or not, just want to wish everyone a Merry [CHIRST]mas! Hope your night is filled with family, joy and lots of food! To my blog readers, (who ever you are, I still want to get to know you :)) thanks so much for reading my blog. This year was the start of the beginning of this bloggity of mine so thank you for your comments! Hope to continue to hear from you guys on this blog the start of next year! So holla at ya girl! And to keep the Christmas mood goin, here is my favorite Christmas song. In reminder of what this season is all about...:)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Job knew what he was talking bout....
They taped them on our door just this morning. Two white papers in bold letters written in Chinese, Spanish, English and other languages I didn't even know existed, saying our house is officially under foreclosure. In a month me and family have to pack up everything and find a new place to stay. My heart sank to my stomach. We didn't expect this to be happening so soon, especially during the Christmas season. Fortunately my amazing sister and brother in law have offered we stay with them while me and my family look for our own place. Arleth and Mario: We honestly thank you guys and love you more than words can express!
About 8 years ago our family was placed in the same situation we're in right at this moment. The homeowner of the house we were renting decided to evict us and gave us minimal time to find another place. In frantic mode, we desperately searched for a new roof over our head and earnestly prayed for provision and strength. The burden began getting heavier and heavier as our search for a new place to stay seemed impossible and finances began getting tight. If I know anyone who is the best hard worker ever, it's my dad. This man will go highs and lows to provide for his family. I remember him taking me as a little girl with him to sell Levi jeans from his trunk and sell eggs to people's houses. He was a Mexican hustler. No joke. And today, as he read the notice I know he was worried. I know inside he's hurting because the stress, and the overwhelming fear that we all felt 8 years ago has come back. But, back then when we had no place to go, when it felt as though we were hanging by a thread the Lord answers our prayers and calms our fears when he provides us with a home. A home that was ours. We became home owners for the first time. Ever. Our search was over. God had come through.
And this morning, as I read in low voice the notice, I thought back to 8 years ago. The provision that God had bestowed upon us. His children. He gave us more than what our hearts desired. Today I realize that nothing I have, nothing my family has belongs to us. It belongs to the sole Creator and ultimate Giver. This house he provided for us 8 years ago belongs to him, and just as Job said: "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised." Word to Job. He knew what he was talkin bout.
I write this, not to hold a pity party. But to prove that God is good. All the time. And that no matter what circumstances may come our way, he takes care of his children. It is so comforting to know I serve a God that won't flake when times get tough, but One that remains faithful when life gets difficult and nasty. Just as he provided for us then, he will provide for us now. But wherever he decides to take us, I'm in for the ride.
About 8 years ago our family was placed in the same situation we're in right at this moment. The homeowner of the house we were renting decided to evict us and gave us minimal time to find another place. In frantic mode, we desperately searched for a new roof over our head and earnestly prayed for provision and strength. The burden began getting heavier and heavier as our search for a new place to stay seemed impossible and finances began getting tight. If I know anyone who is the best hard worker ever, it's my dad. This man will go highs and lows to provide for his family. I remember him taking me as a little girl with him to sell Levi jeans from his trunk and sell eggs to people's houses. He was a Mexican hustler. No joke. And today, as he read the notice I know he was worried. I know inside he's hurting because the stress, and the overwhelming fear that we all felt 8 years ago has come back. But, back then when we had no place to go, when it felt as though we were hanging by a thread the Lord answers our prayers and calms our fears when he provides us with a home. A home that was ours. We became home owners for the first time. Ever. Our search was over. God had come through.
And this morning, as I read in low voice the notice, I thought back to 8 years ago. The provision that God had bestowed upon us. His children. He gave us more than what our hearts desired. Today I realize that nothing I have, nothing my family has belongs to us. It belongs to the sole Creator and ultimate Giver. This house he provided for us 8 years ago belongs to him, and just as Job said: "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised." Word to Job. He knew what he was talkin bout.
I write this, not to hold a pity party. But to prove that God is good. All the time. And that no matter what circumstances may come our way, he takes care of his children. It is so comforting to know I serve a God that won't flake when times get tough, but One that remains faithful when life gets difficult and nasty. Just as he provided for us then, he will provide for us now. But wherever he decides to take us, I'm in for the ride.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Church music...
Music has become one of the most influential parts in pop culture today. Besides skinny jeans and IPhones. It moves us, shapes us, influences us and it makes girls like me wanna bust out some dance moves. Like the jerk. And fist pump better than J Wow and Pauly D. Ok, I don't know how to do the whole jerk move yet but I promised myself I would learn. And then battle my friends. I think I got the fist pumping down though. Although, I may just have to spray tan and tease my hair to do the fist pumpin justice. Music in itself has penetrated itself into culture in a vast amount of ways. Needless to say, it's part of culture. And for centuries it's also been a major part in the church community.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The problem with girls....
Guy I like: Hi Fernanda how are you?
Me: dying inside--I'm doing good, you?
Him: I'm doing great, your hair looks nice today by the way...
(we talk, he leaves, I freak out...I call my friend)
Me: O-M-G, he totally said hi to me!
Friend: He did!?
Me: Yes, and he was looking so cute, and he was talking to me, and he laughed, and then I laughed...
Friend: Ok, how was he looking at you?
Me: He was just smiling the entire time...OH and he said my hair looked nice!!
Friend: hmmm....he said your hair looked nice? In what tone did he say that?
Me: uhh--like, just nice and stuff.
Friend: Maybe he likes you...
Me: Really!?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas story: Inflatable style...
Quintessential nativity scene |
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Late night jam....
I love to sing. Like really, really, really, like to sing. Growing up my house was always filled with some sort of music. Like when me and my mom clean, you know theres about be some some salsa music playing in the background. And you know theres about to be some shakin what our momma gave us along with that. Both my parents sing as well and my dad plays the guitar and bass, which is cool because I absolutely love it when we have random worship sessions at our house. Even if its too old school Spanish Christian songs. And since my dad plays guitar I asked him to teach me how to play, but sadly, he's impatient and so am I. After learning like two chords I quit. Don't hate. If you know me, you know I will sing at the drop of a hat. I don't think I'm all that tight or anything, but I love to do it. I sing EVERYWHERE. And I'm starting to think some of my friends are getting annoyed by it. Just maybe. Maybe it's because I have a song for pretty much any word someone says. It's a gift.
Last night, my sister and two of my good friends practiced some songs for a Christmas youth dinner at my church were having, and since Christmas is almost here we decided to record ourselves singing "Oh Holy Night." And post it on Youtube. Cuz that's just how we roll. :)
Here is my sister (who by the way is an amazing song writer) my good friend Carlos--who gets annoyed when I sing to everything someone says-- and myself getting our jam on. Oh, and Carlos: You're just jealous!
P.S. For all you tight singers out there, don's judge me. I know I messed up on some of the harmonies.It was late aiight. lol
Last night, my sister and two of my good friends practiced some songs for a Christmas youth dinner at my church were having, and since Christmas is almost here we decided to record ourselves singing "Oh Holy Night." And post it on Youtube. Cuz that's just how we roll. :)
Here is my sister (who by the way is an amazing song writer) my good friend Carlos--who gets annoyed when I sing to everything someone says-- and myself getting our jam on. Oh, and Carlos: You're just jealous!
P.S. For all you tight singers out there, don's judge me. I know I messed up on some of the harmonies.It was late aiight. lol
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Don't be scuuuurd...
When I was younger, I was afraid of the dark, like pretty much every other 17, (*cough)...I mean, 7 year old was. Fortunately, I was never one of those kids that asked their parents to check for monsters under the bed. Laaaame. I'm 20 now and I'm no longer afraid of the dark. Ok, except for maybe that one time when I watched the first SAW movie with my older sister and slept in her room. For two nights. In a row. But that was because I didn't want to be taken away in the middle of the night by some person in a pig mask whose goal was to take me to my death. Just sayin.
Let's face it. It don't matter if your 8 feet tall, or if you have a black belt and can probably beat me up just by giving me a high five. We're all preys of fear. And I'm not talking specifically about phobias of spiders, clowns or heights or my childhood fear of La Llorona. But circumstances and situations. And I have decided to list some of my fears. Because I need your prayers.
Let's face it. It don't matter if your 8 feet tall, or if you have a black belt and can probably beat me up just by giving me a high five. We're all preys of fear. And I'm not talking specifically about phobias of spiders, clowns or heights or my childhood fear of La Llorona. But circumstances and situations. And I have decided to list some of my fears. Because I need your prayers.
- I fear that my family won't be able to afford our home any longer.
- I fear not doing enough to enhance God's kingdom
- I fear being a broke post-graduate (which by the looks of it, I probably will. :/)
- I fear rejection
- I fear failure
"God is our refuge and he is our strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives away, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea..." Psalm 46: 1-2 In every circumstance our trust should rely fully on the Lord because He promises to sustain us through everything. No circumstance is too great for Him and is it our fears that hold us back from the things he has for us.
So. What are your fears?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sweet tooth...
The sweet goodness just oozed out of every soft, moist, delicious bite. My taste buds were throwing a party. And so was my stomach. Me and my sister, Arleth, decided to pay a visit to Casey's Cupcakes today in downtown Riverside and needless to say, our taste buds fell head over heals, madly in love, on cloud nine in love status over these cute, scrumptious flavorful pastries that will be the consequence of an hour workout on the treadmill this week. Well, perhaps next week. Or the next. Ok, let's face it. I won't work out. I'm in love though. In love with the razzmatazz raspberry cupcake and its goodness in a cup. It's creamy, butter-cream, pink sprinkled top, and gooey raspberry filling are sweet to my tongue. Its moist, sugary warm bread melts inside my mouth and its raspberry topping oozes juicy goodness. Me and my sister didn't talk much while eating our new found, favorite snack. It was more like "AHHH" "OMG this is BOMB!" "I love you Casey!!!" type of thing.
Me. I never say not to dessert. Never. Ever. I'm a fool for anything sweet. My thighs and love handles just have to suck it up. But you know what else is sweet? Sweater than any toothsome razzmatazz raspberry cupcake? The living and life changing Word of God. Its pages ooze out sweet words that are sweater than honey to one's mouth. Even better than a jelly filled donut. "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweater than honey to my mouth" Psalm 119:103. Its words of advice, wisdom, correction, and love flow like syrup into one's spirit when we take it in. When we hear it. When we read it. When we share it. Tastier than caramel dripping from the corner of one's mouth. A taste of the ever powerful, Holy Spirit inspired book that changes the hard hearted, fills the hungry in spirit, holds the message of salvation leaves the believer craving for more. .
"All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.." 2 Timothy 3:16 Have you tasted it?
Me. I never say not to dessert. Never. Ever. I'm a fool for anything sweet. My thighs and love handles just have to suck it up. But you know what else is sweet? Sweater than any toothsome razzmatazz raspberry cupcake? The living and life changing Word of God. Its pages ooze out sweet words that are sweater than honey to one's mouth. Even better than a jelly filled donut. "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweater than honey to my mouth" Psalm 119:103. Its words of advice, wisdom, correction, and love flow like syrup into one's spirit when we take it in. When we hear it. When we read it. When we share it. Tastier than caramel dripping from the corner of one's mouth. A taste of the ever powerful, Holy Spirit inspired book that changes the hard hearted, fills the hungry in spirit, holds the message of salvation leaves the believer craving for more. .
"All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.." 2 Timothy 3:16 Have you tasted it?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Finals week....
Tina Turner. This is my hair during finals week. |
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Talkin smack...
"Did you hear that...?" "Oooh, guuuuurl, let me tell you! "She said what now!?" "You better say sumtin!!!!"
It's evident. It's undeniable. We've all been perhaps victims of it's trap or even been the cause of it. It sneaks and slowly spreads itself in the Church until it destroys, hurts, and breaks. I'm talking about the G word. Gossip. This little fella is no stranger to the Church. Research explains that gossip accounts for about 55% of men's conversation time and 67% of women's. More than half our time is spent blastin up other people's business to our friends, co-workers, family members etc. So it is no strange fact that this, often practiced, bad habit is brought within the walls of the church. And. We. Love. It. Let's keep it real. Seriously. We just loooove hearing the latest news of so and so. Unfortunately, there's never enough. Apparently what Lucy did last week is of far more importance than what the pastor preached in his sermon. FYI, God doesn't do gossip. In other words, we shouldn't either. Solomon talked a great deal regarding this topic in the book of Proverbs: Proverbs 11:13, 16:28, 18:8, 26:20. Unfortunately, gossip has been the cause of broken friendships and failed churches.
It's a pandemic sweeping churches everywhere. It. Must. Stop. And the only way this could happen is if we, as Christians break this habit and decide to ignore the strands of gossip that tend to grow within the church. Our tongue, the bible says is like a "two-edged sword." It pierces hard. It hurts if it is not tamed. If you have something against someone, talk to them in person. If someone tells you something, keep it yourself. As a body, we are called to love one another deeply and respect each other. Do not get involved with people who gossip and do not be the cause of gossip. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Are the things you say uplifting? Do they hurt others or encourage others? Are you a trustworthy person? Keep it real. :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sorry Dr. Seuss....
Me and the funny man himself. |
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A new job???
I'm nervous. Today. Right now. I have a job interview today and I need one thing. Your prayaaas. A good friend of mine informed me that they were hiring receptionists at his job. And, ofcourse, I was all for it! I've been jobless for some months now, so in other words. I'm broke as a joke. And. It's no fun because there's these really cute pair of shoes I just HAVE to buy. Oh, and I need gas in my car. So, I'm freaking out because I have no idea what to wear and I really, really, really, hope they like me. So I can buy those shoes, and have gas in my car. :) Oh workforce....be nice to me! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to practice my handshake. Please keep me in your prayers and may the Lord's will be done. :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The True Gospel....
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put with sound doctrine. Instead to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situation, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. 2 Timothy 4:2-5
I can't help but bring to the surface the tragedy that has encompassed Christianity. Many have abandoned the message of the cross spoken by the apostles and have created a watered down, ego boosting, ear tingling Gospel that well, is no gospel at all. Kick me under the table if you like, but I'm speaking out. I'm speaking out in defense of The! True! G-o-s-p-el! Various doctrines such as the prosperity gospel, positivism, have radically twisted the Bible. They focus on feeding mans ego, mans self esteem, they forfeit the speaking of, repentance, hell, sin, that salvation is a supernatural act of God. I can go on for days, but I'll let my brotha Paul Washer drop this subject better.Here is a video of him preaching, no wait, PA-REACHING, the true, convicting, hated,stumbling block, saving Gospel that many have unfortunately abandoned for false doctrines.
Questions? Totally disagree with everything I just said? Let a sistah know! :) I am open for dialogue and hearing out whatever opinions you guys have on this subject. If you have an argument I ask that you please have biblical back up. The Word of God is very clear on this.
Click here to find out more information regarding Paul Washer and to watch more videos.
I can't help but bring to the surface the tragedy that has encompassed Christianity. Many have abandoned the message of the cross spoken by the apostles and have created a watered down, ego boosting, ear tingling Gospel that well, is no gospel at all. Kick me under the table if you like, but I'm speaking out. I'm speaking out in defense of The! True! G-o-s-p-el! Various doctrines such as the prosperity gospel, positivism, have radically twisted the Bible. They focus on feeding mans ego, mans self esteem, they forfeit the speaking of, repentance, hell, sin, that salvation is a supernatural act of God. I can go on for days, but I'll let my brotha Paul Washer drop this subject better.Here is a video of him preaching, no wait, PA-REACHING, the true, convicting, hated,stumbling block, saving Gospel that many have unfortunately abandoned for false doctrines.
Questions? Totally disagree with everything I just said? Let a sistah know! :) I am open for dialogue and hearing out whatever opinions you guys have on this subject. If you have an argument I ask that you please have biblical back up. The Word of God is very clear on this.
Click here to find out more information regarding Paul Washer and to watch more videos.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Overwhelmed in ministry....
"I am overwhelmed with leadership. I am a youth leader, a worship leader, I am a full time student, a co-worker...!" In total frantic mode he vented on how overwhelming it is at times to take on leadership roles in church. All while being a full time student--I totally feel you on that one Carlos--and doing his best to be a responsible worker. Fact is, I'm sure several of us church workaholics have been there. Umm..."me, me, me, me!!"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Comfort zones...
We hiked for what seemed like FOREVER. Side note, I. Do.Not. Like. Hiking. Take me to the mall. I find joy there. So when my brother in law Mario, outdoor man extraordinaire, told my parents and I we were gonna go on a 8 hour hike. In the snow. 8 HOUR HIKE!! I wasn't thrilled. AND, not to mention it was 30 degrees! Umm, I'm from Southern California. When it gets 70 degrees I'm ready to bust out my boots and blast up the heater. I wanted to quit the first hour into the hike because I could have sworn my left toe was getting frost bite. It was a total toe crisis! Fr'reals. I know next time Mario takes me and my family somewhere, I definitely should invest in some hiking boots. I hope they make cute ones. Like in pink or something.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Spaghetti for Thanksgiving?
Instead of our annual Thanksgiving dinner at my house topped with a juicy turkey, buttery mash potatoes, a sweet pumpkin pie, and warm, fluffy biscuits, (I think I gained 5 pounds just writing this last sentence) were headed off to the state of Utah. Just because. Which means I have to pack. Which I hate because it always reminds me that I! Have! Nothing! To! Wear!
My family and I wanted to do something different, and what's more different than staying two days in Utah's Zion National Park eating spaghetti for Thanksgiving in a cabin? Yes. I said Spaghetti. It's cheap and easy to make AND we really don't want to take a stuffed turkey with us on our 8 hour drive. My family just rolls like that, and they're down for pretty much anything. That's why I love them. And, really, weather we gather around the table for a spaghetti dinner or a bowl of cereal, or if all we had to eat was a pack of breath mints, I don't care. At least our breath's won't smell. As some of you guys read yesterday's blog, I have reasons to be thankful. I believe we ALL have reasons to be thankful. To fall on our knees in the presence of the Almighty in praise and worship for His provision. My life, in particular, screams blessings. My family, my amazing friendships, the clothes on my back that I really do have, the food in the fridge, my bed, the roof over my head, I am healthy, I have both arms and legs, I'm no longer going to hell when I die. I have everything the Lord has promised to provide me, because He's good. Because He's faithful.
So weather your celebrating with a fat turkey, or rollin Italian and eating Spaghetti like me and my family, remember that ti's the season to be thankful. To hold a sincere sense of gratitude for the things our life holds, and not complain for the things we don't have. God is enough.
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ" 1 Thessalonians 5:18
My family and I wanted to do something different, and what's more different than staying two days in Utah's Zion National Park eating spaghetti for Thanksgiving in a cabin? Yes. I said Spaghetti. It's cheap and easy to make AND we really don't want to take a stuffed turkey with us on our 8 hour drive. My family just rolls like that, and they're down for pretty much anything. That's why I love them. And, really, weather we gather around the table for a spaghetti dinner or a bowl of cereal, or if all we had to eat was a pack of breath mints, I don't care. At least our breath's won't smell. As some of you guys read yesterday's blog, I have reasons to be thankful. I believe we ALL have reasons to be thankful. To fall on our knees in the presence of the Almighty in praise and worship for His provision. My life, in particular, screams blessings. My family, my amazing friendships, the clothes on my back that I really do have, the food in the fridge, my bed, the roof over my head, I am healthy, I have both arms and legs, I'm no longer going to hell when I die. I have everything the Lord has promised to provide me, because He's good. Because He's faithful.
So weather your celebrating with a fat turkey, or rollin Italian and eating Spaghetti like me and my family, remember that ti's the season to be thankful. To hold a sincere sense of gratitude for the things our life holds, and not complain for the things we don't have. God is enough.
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ" 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
As I rummaged through cluttered boxes in my closet, my first instinct was to immediately throw away or put away in our already cluttered garage things I didn't need. Because really? What kind of cool 20 year old would I be if I still held on to my red, hello kitty box filled with love notes from my first crush, Omar, in middle school. Yes. I've held on to them all this time. Don't ask. Don't hate.
Friday, November 19, 2010
This is me. Right now. |
Senior project paper: You're stressing me OUT! But I guess in a way, writing this thing is a reminder that I'm a senior. And that I'm graduating soon. Say what!!!! yei yei ! Oh, and sorta a reminder that soon I'll be thrown into the world of finding a real job. Ay. I need some aspirin real quick.
It's almost three, and I'm still not done. And it's cold in the library. And my feet are cold. I knew I should have worn sneakers!! Gotta go. Wish me luck, and if your're reading this and know me, bring me some coffee. A hot upside down, caramel machiato with extra caramel. I'm on the second floor of the library at California Baptist University. If you bring me one, I'll give you a hug. And maybe a piece of gum. :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Got patience?
I’m impatient. Point blank. Waiting for anything, anyone, makes my left eye twitch, uneasy, frustrated and annoyed. It causes me to tap my foot, cross my arms, and mumble words that go along the lines of HURRY UP! I will try and sneak into the express line in grocery stores even though I have more than 15 items because I hate waiting in line. I tailgate. A lot. And speed on a 25 mile per hour zone. It’s wrong. I know. But. I! Hate! Waiting! It’s a problem I have. One that has to be carved out of my control freak system. With an ax and some slaps in the face. Someone please do a prayer for me. Thanks. :)
Living in a microwave society has spoiled us in providing us countless means that give us what we want when we want it at the time we want it and it has decreased our ways of producing what people like me lack. Patience. A vital character aspect that, according to scripture, is produced, not by drive through windows or instant top ramen--although I do think the person who invented Maruchan deserves a Nobel Peace Prize--but through difficult circumstances that in the end produce perseverance and patience. Waiting produces patience, so hence, waiting can be good. Even when there's twenty people in front of you at the cash register at Stater Brothers and all you want to buy is a box of Honey Nut Cheerios. King David, during a time of affliction, weakness, and brokenness eagerly waited on the Lord to come to his rescue: I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1: 2-4 Can someone say WORD!
So weather your waiting on an answer to a prayer, or you're at the DMV about to pull your hairs out, patience is a must needed aspect of character that is needed for both growth and maturity. We need it. I need it, so please pray I won't tailgate on the free way anymore. And actually have 15 items or less at the express line at Stater Brothers.
Monday, November 15, 2010
A shot out....
I wanna give a shot out. On the internet. And weather or not that's even possible to do on the world wide web, I'm doing it anyways. As I was browsing through some old pictures of my childhood, side note, what was up with my hair? And as I browsed new pictures of my life today, I couldn't help but first, criticize my choice of wardrobes, and second, notice the faithful friendships my life has been surrounded by, and the new friends I have stumbled upon these past couple of years that feel as though I've known for years.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Spiritual food pyramid....
After months, ok years, please don't judge me, I've decided to put on my work out clothes and my worn out puma sneakers, cuz they're the only pair of sneakers I own (cough cough, Christmas!) and get into shape.Well try to. And. Needless to say that on my first day of my boot camp work out sessions, I died. Not literally, but kinda-sorta-died. Inside. My body.
Monday, November 8, 2010
My sister shoots people. With her camera.
Miss photographer at her best. |
So.If you're tying the knot and are looking for a funny, spunky, and creative photographer. Arleth is prrrrrfect!!! Really. She is. Don't believe me? Check out her fabulous website. http://www.arlethg.com/
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Reaching out...
Please pray the Lord may do a mighty work through me and my peers and that the love of Jesus may pour out of our every action, every word, and everything we do, and that His LOVE may be seen even in the supplement of a bag of food. :)
Happy Thursday!
<3 Fer
<3 Fer
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
His plans > our plans
We sat under a tall oak tree at our campus of California Baptist University. The day was perfect, the sun was out and she thought it was perfect to drink her Capri Sun pouch. My best friend Pam apparently thinks Capri Sun pouches are perfect for having conversations. She just rolls like that.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bon qui qui, and texting in church...
Yesterday I sat in church and listened to one amazing message regarding a demon possessed man being healed through the power of God. Yesterday I sat through the entire sermon soaking in every word, every convicting statement and every biblical passage being spoken.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
San Vicente, Mexico...
I didn't know if they were going to like me or not. As I walked through the blue gates of Casa Del Pastor in San Vicente, Mexico for the first time I felt intimidated, and kinda-sorta regretful for choosing to wear flip flops, in all the dirt. Almost every kid in the humble women's shelter already new some of my team members from the past. It was like a family reunion up in there, and I was seriously the long lost cousin no one knew.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Leather jackets, Olivia Newton John and contentment...
I had the urge. The shopping urge. The urge to spend a few hours out of my day gazing upon the wonderful world of skinny jeans, accessories, winter coats, and leather boots. Then. THEN.
Yes. FINALLY! I confess to lagging it on creating my blog. For the two people that have probably been the only ones to anxiously and eagerly wait for my blog, here it is so holla!! I have finally decided to put in order my jumbled up thoughts and experiences my brain stores up and expose them to the World Wide Web.
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