Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yes. FINALLY! I confess to lagging it on creating my blog. For the two people that have probably been the only ones to anxiously and eagerly wait for my blog, here it is so holla!! I have finally decided to put in order my jumbled up thoughts and experiences my brain stores up and expose them to the World Wide Web.

Oh yes Internet, you will be my journal, so please don’t hate me because you will most likely be awake at 2am with me, and witnessing my impatience when you freeze. :/ Just sayin. But before I even began thinking of a color scheme, letter font and OMGWhatPictureAmIGoingToPutOfMyself, two questions were on my mind, what in the world am I gonna name this blog and what am I gonna write about? The name had to be catchy, simple and the writing had to be the most captivating since Shakespeare. Ok, maybe not. All I knew is that this blog had to be honest and real. After much thought, prayer and a great deal digging in the scriptures, “Being Renewed” became the official name of this blog based off of the verse Romans 12:2 which says “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by therenewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s perfect will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will is” The word “renewing”, which in Greek is translated as Anakainosis, means to make new or to make different. In this case, Paul is referring to the spiritual and miraculous transformation that occurs when one comes to the knowledge of Christ and one that continues to occur day to day as we present ourselves as living sacrifices to God and make choices to not conform to the ways of this present evil age but be transformed through the renewing of our minds. And this can only be accomplished through the means of God’s Word. The renewal of our minds is an ongoing process that continues even after we are saved 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. It is an essential change in the character of our thinking. A gradual conforming of the man leaning more and more towards the new spiritual world he has been introduced to which he now lives and moves. You and I, as Christians, are being renewed day to day through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside our very bodies. We are on a journey of renewal. We are walking down a narrow path of continual, internal transformation through the renewing of our minds that no longer conform to the ways of this world but to the will of the Father; “his good, pleasing and perfect will…” 
There you have it cyber world. “Being Renewed.” The title of this blog that has a really cool color scheme and a decent picture of myself. No, my writing may not be the best since Shakespeare, so that means no thous and thees and any other kind of th’s, but it is a journal of my journey of being renewed and being gradually molded into the image of my beautiful Savior. So. As I gradually write my experiences, thoughts and omg moments, my inmost prayer is that you may be encouraged to continue on the path of righteousness and pursue with a bold passion to become the very image of Jesus. 
P.S Feel free to follow me. I need friends up in HEA!

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