Wut up my fellow blog readers! I'm starting a new trend on my blog called "Question Wednesday"-- I'm thinking of a less cheesier title so just roll with this one for right now. Every Wednesday I will be answering on my blog some of the questions that you guys might have. On anything. But of course they have to be Christian affiliated questions. So questions such as how do I change the breaks on my car, will not be covered. Sorry. I still need to learn how to change the oil in my car. This is your chance to ask that question that you've been dying to ask! :)
So. You can write your question on here or through Facebook. Or, if you wish to ask a question that requires you to so so privately you can do this by e-mailing me to perezfernanda@yahoo.com. If you wish for me to not mention your name, I won't do so. I will choose one question, at random, and do my best to give an answer, according to scriptures, on the blog. I'm open to try and answer any questions you guys may have. So start asking! :)
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