Thursday, December 23, 2010

Job knew what he was talking bout....

They taped them on our door just this morning. Two white papers in bold letters written in Chinese, Spanish, English and other languages I didn't even know existed, saying our house is officially under foreclosure. In a month me and family have to pack up everything and find a new place to stay. My heart sank to my stomach. We didn't expect this to be happening so soon, especially during the Christmas season. Fortunately my amazing sister and brother in law have offered we stay with them while me and my family look for our own place. Arleth and Mario: We honestly thank you guys and love you more than words can express! 

About  8 years ago our family was placed in the same situation we're in right at this moment. The homeowner of the house we were renting decided to evict us and gave us minimal time to find another place. In frantic mode, we desperately searched for a new roof over our head and earnestly prayed for provision and strength. The burden began getting heavier and heavier as our search for a new place to stay seemed impossible and finances began getting tight. If I know anyone who is the best hard worker ever, it's my dad. This man will go highs and lows to provide for his family. I remember him taking me as a little girl with him to sell Levi jeans from his trunk and sell eggs to people's houses. He was a Mexican hustler. No joke. And today, as he read the notice I know he was worried. I know inside he's hurting because the stress, and the overwhelming fear that we all felt 8 years ago has come back. But, back then when we had no place to go, when it felt as though we were hanging by a thread the Lord answers our prayers and calms our fears when he provides us with a home. A home that was ours. We became home owners for the first time. Ever. Our search was over. God had come through.

And this morning, as I read in low voice the notice, I thought back to 8 years ago. The provision that God had bestowed upon us. His children. He gave us more than what our hearts desired. Today I realize that nothing I have, nothing my family has belongs to us. It belongs to the sole Creator and ultimate Giver. This house he provided for us 8 years ago belongs to him, and just as Job said: "The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised." Word to Job. He knew what he was talkin bout.

I write this, not to hold a pity party. But to prove that God is good. All the time. And that no matter what circumstances may come our way, he takes care of his children. It is so comforting to know I serve a God that won't flake when times get tough, but One that remains faithful when life gets difficult and nasty. Just as he provided for us then, he will provide for us now. But wherever he decides to take us, I'm in for the ride.


  1. Remember 8 years ago when I would tell you we would have to go live in a park under a tree or something? And you would get all scared and cry? Lol I was an evil older sister. We'll be hanging out more soon I see. It will be ok, cause remember, who's our Daddy?

  2. @Arleth: LOL yes I remember your scare tactics! That wasn't even right cuz! lol But yup...our Daddy has our back :)
