Monday, November 1, 2010

Bon qui qui, and texting in church...

Yesterday I sat in church and listened to one amazing message regarding a demon possessed man being healed through the power of God. Yesterday I sat through the entire sermon soaking in every word, every convicting statement and every biblical passage being spoken. 

All I gotta say is that brother Kevin Taylor, our guest speaker for yesterday’s service who came all the way from Chicago, Illinois, gave us straight WORD and brought what I like to call CHURRRRCH to Temple Baptist church. Fr’reals! I sat yesterday during church also feeling frustrated and annoyed. Really annoyed. I couldn't help but notice a few teenagers, whom I've known for years growing up in church, sitting next to me talking, laughing, and texting on their phones the entire service. I seriously wanted to go Bon Qui Qui on them by looking over and calling them "ru." All I needed was a weave, long nails and brown lip liner to be set. Their disrespect and their total disregard for the word being spoken bothered me. I questioned their reason and their drive for even waking up in the morning and attending church. Whatever their reasons were, their unawareness of the importance regarding the teaching of the word seemed evident. If church is a place of worship, teaching, learning and fellowship that serves as one of the means in providing us the tools to help us grow in our spiritual walk, then ultimately, our actions should portray a desire to want to be in the house of the Lord. King David put it this way: 

"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and too seek him in his temple" Psalm 27:4

He desired one thing. It was to be among the Lord's people, it was to belong to the Lord. To be in a place of worship. He desired to be in the presence of His Maker for an eternity. My question is, shouldn't we desire the same thing? To be amongst God's people? To be in a place of worship? To learn the richness of God's word? I rest my case. Our days here on earth are limited. The time we have in church to fellowship and worship as a body is a minor foreshadowing of what we will experience in heaven, and if you ask me, the time we still have to gather as a Body of Christ in fellowship is precious and it should not be taken for granted. 

So. In other words, don't text or talk if you sit next to me in church because you will probably get preached a sermon about King David while I shake my head and move my index finger in your face. And if you talk back, I'll probably yell out "SACUURTY!" I'm just sayin. 


  1. Wow ahha! So true and it is so rare a speaker like that goes to should have said something haha

  2. Carlos: I so did! Me and my sister told them to be quiet! haha
