Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Talkin smack...

"Did you hear that...?" "Oooh, guuuuurl, let me tell you! "She said what now!?" "You better say sumtin!!!!" 

It's evident. It's undeniable. We've all been perhaps victims of it's trap or even been the cause of it. It sneaks and slowly spreads itself in the Church until it destroys, hurts, and breaks. I'm talking about the G word. Gossip. This little fella is no stranger to the Church.  Research explains that gossip accounts for about 55% of men's conversation time and 67% of women's. More than half our time is spent blastin up other people's business to our friends, co-workers, family members etc. So it is no strange fact that this, often practiced, bad habit is brought within the walls of the church. And. We. Love. It. Let's keep it real. Seriously. We just loooove hearing the latest news of so and so. Unfortunately, there's never enough. Apparently what Lucy did last week is of far more importance than what the pastor preached in his sermon. FYI, God doesn't do gossip. In other words, we shouldn't either. Solomon talked a great deal regarding this topic in the book of Proverbs: Proverbs 11:13, 16:28, 18:8, 26:20. Unfortunately, gossip has been the cause of broken friendships and failed churches. 

It's a pandemic sweeping  churches everywhere. It. Must. Stop. And the only way this could happen is if we, as Christians break this habit and decide to ignore the strands of gossip that tend to grow within the church. Our tongue, the bible says is like a "two-edged sword." It pierces hard. It hurts if it is not tamed. If you have something against someone, talk to them in person. If someone tells you something, keep it yourself. As a body, we are called to love one another deeply and respect each other. Do not get involved with people who gossip and do not be the cause of gossip. Here are some questions to ask yourself: 

Are the things you say uplifting? Do they hurt others or encourage others? Are you a trustworthy person? Keep it real. :) 


  1. Preach it! I know sadly it is a huge part of churches today...especially smaller ones...especially ones located in Perris...epecially ones on Perris Blvd...haha!

  2. hahaha dang...way to call it out!! LOL
