Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The problem with girls....

Guy I like: Hi Fernanda how are you? 
Me: dying inside--I'm doing good, you? 
Him: I'm doing great, your hair looks nice today by the way...
(we talk, he leaves, I freak out...I call my friend) 
Me: O-M-G, he totally said hi to me!
Friend: He did!? 
Me: Yes, and he was looking so cute, and he was talking to me, and he laughed, and then I laughed...
Friend: Ok, how was he looking at you? 
Me: He was just smiling the entire time...OH and he said my hair looked nice!!
Friend: hmmm....he said your hair looked nice? In what tone did he say that?
Me: uhh--like, just nice and stuff. 
Friend: Maybe he likes you...
Me: Really!? 

We girls. We have a problem. We tend to over analyze everything. In some cases, however, this characteristic that has been rooted in our estrogen-ic system can come in handy, like when we buy a cute outfit, or buy a car, but other than that, lets face it, using our over analytical syndrome can drive a girl crazy.  Like for example, if a guy we like says hi to us, we'll talk to our friends about it and dissect every inch of detail that we can to try and figure out why he said hi, how he said hi, and how he looked saying hi. If he asks us out for coffee, best believe there will be some wardrobe freak outs, and phone calls to our closest friends telling them how he asked us out to coffee. Then, we will analyze how the day went, what he said, how he said it, and so and so on. And then our brain will automatically portray snapshots of our wedding day with that particular guy and how it all started when he asked us out for coffee. 

I find that in todays society, woman, more than ever, are encountered with more pressure to date, fall in love and get married. And this could be the same for men.You have Beyonce saying "if you like it then you better put a ring on it," Seventeen magazine answers how to make a guy fall in love with you in two months, if your 25 and still single then you better start searching for your hubby online and just so much other pressure from the media, friends--especially when your group of friends are dating everyone and their momma and your the only one left sitting at home, because you think you don't have any game, eating ice cream and watching A Walk to Remember balling your eyes out. Oh, uhh--yeah, that was me with the ice cream watching Mandy Moore one Valentines Day. Don't judge me. I was weak. We often times pressure ourselves into thinking that just because a guy asks us out somewhere then he must be the "one." And if were single and older than 20 we think were ugly and theres something seriously wrong with us. That my single lady friends, is a total lie! 

And another reminder, just because a brotha looks finer than Paul Walker himself, and loves Jesus, and has a job, and is responsible, it does not mean that is the "one." We need to stop looking at our brothers in Christ simply as potential mates, but with all respect. Like the apostle Paul says, "Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, in all purity." If you, as a girl, decide to hang out with a guy for some coffee or for a movie or for any other particular reason, don't automatically think he's your future baby daddy. It's just a date. Your just getting to know him and vice versa. If he is truly after your heart then he will continue to pursue you. Let yourself be fought for, be chased after. 

Ladies, fact is we will always over analyze the things guys do, is it healthy at times to so? No. When it comes to this topic, if you can, seek advice from people (who are believers) who are older than you or from a couple you trust. I've found that talking to close friends of the opposite sex, that I trust, gives me a better perspective on guys and dating. Because, really, who knows how guys think better than guys. They will not try and over analyze everything about a guy. Like I will try and do. And I speak from experience. A man who is sincerely after you and your heart will continuously fight for it. Being over analytical will not make a guy like you. It will only make you confused, frustrated, because you will never figure him out. Be real with yourself. Check your heart. And check your motives.  

P.S To all you guys out there, I promise we girls are normal. We just need your prayers. Please pay for your sistahs! :) 

Have any questions? Comments? I would love to hear them. :) 


  1. Mariel- OOoooh can I get an amen!??!?! =) Thanks Fernice! Im sure you and i both struggle with this topic!!Lol Thanks for being REAL! And hahah Yes I do want to cut out that part of my brain that has me over-thinking things....Lol

  2. @Mariel: hahahahaha amen, hallelujah! lol And yes...I believe every girl struggled with this, but it is a matter of keeping our thoughts and emotions under control. :)

  3. just take my whole brain out! lol.. =]
