Monday, August 8, 2011

Proof the bible cares about shoes...

If I could own a closet full of them, I would. Because I'm love with with them. They make me happy, they're attractive, they compliment my outfits, and they go everywhere I go. If shoes were guys I would date them. So when this past Thursday's young adult study was a message regarding shoes I died and went to heaven. Because honestly, when do you hear a preaching about the very thing that makes girls want to blow an entire credit card? But to my dismay, the speaker didn't focus on wedges or cute flats but rather a type of shoe that is essential in the spiritual battle that wages on every day in the life of a Christian.

   "And, as [shoes] for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the Gospel of peace.
Ephesians 6:15 ESV

It's noted that often times the armor of a soldier is recognized based on the type of weaponry he or she carries. However, the type of shoes a soldier wears are often ignored or not given much importance. But if you ask a soldier if the type of shoes he wears are important after he's walked through muddy and slippery soil, hiked a steep mountain, and dodged bullets all day, his answer will most definitely be yes. If a soldier's feet are protected, fastened, and guarded from dangerous terrain that may cause harm to his feet he will stand solid and firm when in battle. A roman soldier during the apostle Paul's time depended on the type of sandal he wore. His feet were fitted and grounded.

So when it comes to the spiritual battle between us and Satan, we need some good shoes. Our feet should be fastened with the Gospel so that with it we may be able to withstand the enemy's schemes. The Gospel should be the foundation from which we stand on and hold on to when the enemy dodges bullets. So like the speaker last Thursday said, don't be a barefoot Christian. Barefoot Christians are wack. Ok-I added the "wack" part. Don't hate. And besides, no one likes crusty feet. Just saying.

Happy Monday!

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