It's day two folks, and today's focus is on verses 18 and 19 of chapter 2:
18But someone will say "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.
19You believe that there is a God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
In yesterday's verses, James explains how faith and deeds must work together. Faith must be accompanied by actions that help prove that faith is authentic, and that it is important to help meet the needs of others by a means of action. I personally love these next two verses because James gets a little ghetto. Or at least in my head he does. Like if he was saying these verses in person he would most likely snap his fingers and shake his head and verse 19 would sound something like this
Oh, you say you believe in God. So what?? I will cuuuuuut youuuu!"
Ok ok, that's totally not how he would say it. [Forgive me Jesus for portraying your servant James as being ghetto.] Anyways, James is simply trying to make a point here. And he does this in such a simple and smart manner. There are those individuals who will say that they don't need good deeds. In other words, saying they have faith is good enough. However, James says that it's impossible to say one has faith without actions being an extension of that faith. If we have faith, that faith, which is God given, will naturally produce in us the desire to do good deeds. If I claim to be a professional athlete then my actions will automatically portray the things that an athlete does: Training, eating right, exercising, etc.
In verse 19, James brings up a very important point. As a former angel of God, Satan was a first hand witness who lived in heaven with God until his rebellion. [Isaiah 14:12-21] Along with Satan, the other fallen angels that followed him in his rebellion also lived with God in heaven. Therefore, there is no doubt that Satan himself and his demons are fully aware of the existence and nature of God. Yes, it can even be said that Satan and his demons have faith but it is not a faith that produces submission and consecration to God or one that desires to grasp salvation that comes from God. It is simply an intellectual and superficial "faith." However, despite their knowledge of God it does not change who they are. Satan is and will always be a liar, a tempter, a deceiver, and all things evil. Same thing goes for demons. One cannot have the fruits of faith [Galatians 5:22-23] that are true and real without true and real faith. This faith is only and can only be given and produced by God. Faith without good works is like the faith that Demons have. It is dead. [James 2:17] Faith that is not accompanied by its expectant fruits of faith is no faith at all. If we say we have faith, authentic faith, then we will automatically produce good works.
A mere profession of faith does not mean the possession of faith.
Questions to ask ourselves:
* If I say I have faith, is there evidence in my life that accompanies that faith.
* Would my faith be considered an authentic faith or a faith that is dead?
Keep it real! :)
Stay tuned for tomorrows post ya'll!
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