Thursday, April 7, 2011

If life were a movie...

If life were a movie I would be the girl living in a really nice penthouse somewhere in New York, with a really cool job, really cool car, no wait, really cute stilleto heels because no one drives in New York. Duh! Oh, and I would have really cool powers. Like reading minds or something. And, I would have a crystal ball in my room that made all my problems dissapear. And I would always feel safe because spider man would be my next door neighbor. Life would be perfect if only it was a make believe, fantasy script that had magic crystal balls that made all problems vanish with a quick command. But it isn't. Life doesn't have rewind or pause buttons that allow us to control every minute of our existence. It is filled with unexpected circumstances that either make us want to run and hide or do the hammer dance on top of a table [can't touch this...tu nu nu nu!]. This world we call home is one where hearts get broken, people go hungry, murder is prevalent, people loose they're jobs, gas prices suck and  people cheat on their taxes. Annie was right, it's a hard knock life. That red hair of hers was full of wisdom.

But before you guys think I'm some pessimistic girl who needs anti depressants and hates the world. That's not the case. Except for that one time when I was stuck in traffic for almost 2 hours, oh and that one time when my heel broke. Where's that crystal ball when you need it! In a world cursed with sin, however, there is still hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for those who trust in the Most High. As Christians, we live and are part of a culture and society that is infested with sin. It is no wonder Jesus told his disciples to live a life that was holy and set apart from a sacrilegious culture. We have a nemesis who hates us and one who lives and breathes to steal our joy while were still in this world.  Life may not be a movie, but we do know that this life has a happy ending for those who have trusted in Jesus. We will see Jesus one day and there will be no more broken heels or getting cut off on the freeway. Whoop whoop! [can't touch this...tu nu nu nu!]

Jesus told his disciples, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 We cannot escape our troubles. We will experience hardships in life. But, the troubles we endure now are nothing more than temporary. The script has been written and the ending has been foreshadowed. Death was conquered on the cross by the most merciful and courageous Character who ever lived, thee main Character who made a spectacle of himself and did a heck of a performance. Our sins have been thrown to the depths of the see and there is hope of heaven after this life is over. The props? A cross, three nails, and a crown of thorns. The director? The Father. The producer? The Holy Spirit. The audience? Us.

While cruising through life, we may cringe and moan when it slaps us in the face but we have hope in that glorious day when all our troubles will be swept away. If there's hammer pants in heaven, I'm wearing some. Hamma time!  

Happy Thursday! :)

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