I was browsing through the internet last night. Like I always do. Which explains my desperate need for some caffeine this morning. One of the things I've been very interested in lately is stalking...I mean, following, young and passionate entrepreneurs. Don't ask me why. It's all of a sudden become this obsession of mine to research young individuals who have created amazing businesses and brands that incorporate what they love. What their passionate about. Last night, as I indulged in some good stalking, I stumbled upon an awesome and inspirational website dedicated to help women in Uganda rise above poverty and abuse. 31 Bits
, founded by Kallie Dovel, a young, and passionate young lady, created a business that buys uber fabulous necklaces, bracelets, head bands and other cute accessories from struggling women in Uganda who make them from recycled paper, and sells them here in the U.S. To know more about 31 Bits, or if your interested in purchasing, vistit their website at
http://31bits.com/. Inspired by compassion, love, determination and the Gospel, Kallie Dovel and three other girls with the same passion for helping women in Uganda, have helped hundreds of struggling women by using style and fashion as their driving mechanism.
What's my point in all this? My point is that in the midst of a struggling world, we, the Church can do what we love, what we are personally passionate about, to bring glory to God. We limit our capabilities to reach a world that is starving for hope. We serve a creative and artistic Creator who designs the most beautiful sunsets and makes the moon glisten in the ocean. The One who has given his children creative talents and gifts. I'm not saying to launch a website and travel to a foreign country, but to be lead by a passion for God to exercise those very gifts and passions given to us by God in ways that can impact those around you. And, love it while your doing it! Get your creative juices flowing.
So what is it you love doing? What are you passionate about? Find ways to implement them for the Kingdom of God. Do-yo-thang!
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