I've been sick with a cold these past two days and the horror that comes from throat soreness and germ infestation has left me quarantine. And to be quite honest I haven't been feeling inspired to write anything that's, I dunno, inspiring. So to those five people who read my blog, I'm sorry. The only thing I want right now is a healthy immune system, something other than herbal tea and a shower. According to my mother, showering when you have the flu is bad because it makes it worse. She's a mom, so she
must know what she's talking about. Oh, and the putting Vicks vapor rub inside the nostrils trick
must open up the nasal cavity. As long as my nostrils have a clear pathway to oxygen, I'm not complaining. However, I do have to say that my scalp being oily is
sooo not attractive.
Dear Jesus I need some HEALIN' up in hea'!!!! For the next couple of days my best friends will consist of tissues, a pillow, and like ten naps a day. I really wish I could write some super cool, spiritual posts that make you wanna go end world hunger, or something like that. Instead I'll be in bed fighting off this preposterous disease. I'm completely exaggerating, I know. It's all for good story. haha!
So carry around some hand sanitizer, eat some chicken soup, and don't walk around the house barefoot, because my mother told me that cold feet can give you the flu. Duh!
Happy flu-less Tuesday! :)
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