She laid down in the red couch in Sunday school class with her phone in her lap and told me of how the cute boy from church asked her out. "I thought you guys were just friends!!"Apparently I'm the only one out of the loop when it comes to the dating lives of my teenage students from church and she made it clear. "How did you not know we were going out? It's been like two months and the whole youth knows!" Her friend swooped her curled bangs from her face and rolled her eyes at my surprise. Just like teenagers do. And as she blushed about her young crush on the boy with braces I remembered what it was like to be thirteen and going out with my first boyfriend Alfredo. He was really skinny and had big spiky hair. The kind that shined because of all the gel he put on. My mom never found out about him because she would most likely lock me away in a castle somewhere with a chastity belt. I kid, I kid. [So mom if you're reading this, I promise I didn't kiss him!!!] Anyways, my middle school fling ended in like two months and my love for spiky hair'd guys was over. I'm into fro-hawks these days. But not shiny ones. Duh.
There aren't many responsibilities at that age. What's important at thirteen is wondering when Alfredo is going to hold your hand and give you a hug during passing period. And having your first make out session after school. I'm kidding mom!! But when your past middle school, past high school, and now in college or perhaps even past college, things change. Relationships start to really matter and keeping ourselves accountable when it comes to dating is important. Two month flings become immature and weak. Except for make out sessions of course. Again, I kid mother!! We have to remember that as Christians we're called to be radical representations of who Jesus is, so making sure we're able to honor God in who we date and how we respond or act around the opposite sex is vital.
Quick advice:
*Ladies, hide the treasure "chest" and keep the pirates "booty" covered. Save the goodies for your husband and don't be a stumbling block in the spiritual lives of your brothers in Christ.
*Guys, be aware that a girl feeds off of your actions and most of all your words. Be sincere in your words and respect the hearts of your sisters.
Keep it holy ya'll.
Add to this! I feel you have much more advice to give! I promise I'll read it! :D
ReplyDeleteI'll make sure to give more detail in a another post! Just for you girl! hahaha And thanks for reading!
ReplyDeleteI second what Daisy said! You left us wanting more Fernis! I loved this. You're so right! I'm going to be on look out for your posts! :D Love ya! ~ Gen <3
ReplyDeleteThanks girls! :) I'll be sure to continue writing more posts!