Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Creative juices...

I was browsing through the internet last night. Like I always do. Which explains my desperate need for some caffeine this morning. One of the things I've been very interested in lately is stalking...I mean, following, young and passionate entrepreneurs. Don't ask me why. It's all of a sudden become this obsession of mine to research young individuals who have created amazing businesses and brands that incorporate what they love. What their passionate about. Last night, as I indulged in some good stalking, I stumbled upon an awesome and inspirational website dedicated to help women in Uganda rise above poverty and abuse. 31 Bitsfounded by Kallie Dovel, a young, and passionate young lady, created a business that buys uber fabulous necklaces, bracelets, head bands and other cute accessories from struggling women in Uganda who make them from recycled paper, and sells them here in the U.S. To know more about 31 Bits, or if your interested in purchasing, vistit their website at http://31bits.com/. Inspired by compassion, love, determination and the Gospel, Kallie Dovel and three other girls with the same passion for helping women in Uganda, have helped hundreds of struggling women by using style and fashion as their driving mechanism.

What's my point in all this? My point is that in the midst of a struggling world, we, the Church can do what we love, what we are personally passionate about, to bring glory to God. We limit our capabilities to reach a world that is starving for hope. We serve a creative and artistic Creator who designs the most beautiful sunsets and makes the moon glisten in the ocean. The One who has given his children creative talents and gifts. I'm not saying to launch a website and travel to a foreign country, but to be lead by a passion for God to exercise those very gifts and passions given to us by God in ways that can impact those around you. And, love it while your doing it!  Get your creative juices flowing.

So what is it you love doing? What are you passionate about? Find ways to implement them for the Kingdom of God. Do-yo-thang!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thoughts for a rainy day...

I'm not a fan of rainy days. Like today for instance. This apocalyptic weather is messing up my hair and I think I'm coming down with a deadly cold. I may just  need my mother. When the roads are slippery, traffic is slow, and the wind is about to flip my car over there's only one place I want to be at. My home. I'm safe there and warm. The sound of my mom exercising in her room to reggae-ton music is heard in the living room when I get home from school. And as I snuggle with my blanket in the living room couch, there's no place I'd rather be on a rainy, and annoying day. Outside, the rain is falling but I'm tucked inside my cozy house. Safe.

When life get's messy, when it's path gets slippery and winds knock us down, there's a safe place to run to. King David said it perfectly: The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 31:3 We see many times throughout scripture, particularly in the Psalms, God being characterized as a shelter, a refuge, a stronghold and rock. When life gets hard, He is our refuge, our shelter and our stronghold. Our aid in times of need. Remember that no matter what life throws at us, we are safe and protected in the arms of the Almighty.
Happy rainy Monday! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The church and Hip Hop...

"He said that 'rap' isn't Christian," she told me through our conversation on Facebook. I'm not hip hop's number one fan  but I will say I don't mind bumping some of it from time to time. Especially when I work out. Which is well...never. It's a genre infiltrating radio sound waves, IPods, sound systems and one that continues dominate music culture. I'm sure Snoop would agree with me. But what about in church culture? It's even stepped foot there with different rappers calling themselves names like Mr. Blessed and Da Truth spittin rhymes about the scriptures with beats that Will-I-Am wished he produced. Various Christian artists such as T-BoneLecraeTrip Lee and others have stepped into the genre of hip hop to use as an instrument in sharing the Gospel with thought provoking lyrics and head bobbing rhythms that make you want to bust out the Jerk and back it up.  (Yes, I said back it up) I'm not sure if the individual that my friend was having a conversation with had clear, biblical and theological evidence for his claim. Music- the art and sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, and harmony-has been around for centuries, from the time Jesus walked on earth to the present. And through time it has evolved into different sets of rhythms, sounds and tones that are heard all over the world today. Hip Hop or "rap" or whatever you like to call it, is just one of many forms of music that has been adopted by many within the church as a means of sharing the Gospel; just like alternative rock, jazz, acoustic, indie, techno and veggie tale songs have even used for this purpose too. We know from scripture that God is the creator of music. He created man in His image with the ability to sing and be able to create music as a means of praise and worship. He never gave us specific restrictions or limitations as to what forms of sounds, melodies his children should use. Music is powerful. Hip Hop can be powerful and thought provoking when it is used to reach others for Christ. And because this post has to do with music, heres a video of one of my favorite songs "Joyful Noise" by Flame featuring Lecrae. I love the lyrics on it and also because it makes me wanna get crunk like Lil John.

"Angels surrounding His throne and
Well He is the Lamb that was slain
The whole earth is full of His glory
All nations bow to His name
His majesty fills heavens
Our hearts give thunderous praise
Declare the Lord is forever
Make a joyful noise in this place"
- Flame

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Insomniac inspiration...

It's 2:14. In-the-morning!!!!! And here I am under the covers of what I like to call a Mexican blanket, you know, the ones they sell at the swap meet that have a picture of a tiger on them. And sometimes a lion with flowers. Don't hate. They're warm! But talking about my choice of bed covers is not my point. My point is that it's way past my bed time and for some unknown, mystical reason that only the sleeping gods know I can't fall asleep!! And I'm getting somewhat cranky. So after giving up in trying to get some sleep, I've turned to finally posting a much needed post on this neglected bloggity of mine. One of my friends on facebook totally said I should have more time to write because apparently being on spring break means I should more time on my hands. Well...news flash person who you know who you are with the facebook,  this is my blog son and I can write in it whenever I want!! :p Aaaanyways...just want to make it crystal clear that this post has absolutely nothing to do with the influence of a facebook message reminding me that I've been totally lagging it by not having written a post in over a month. Nope...not at all. :)

But anyways, back to my post that gets really good and has a really cool life lesson at the end of it, I'm starting to realize that insomniac moments lead a cranky girl, who really doesn't want to have ugly bags in the morning, ponder on life's biggest decisions. Like weather or not I should switch my conditioner. Or weather or not I should add potassium to my breakfast because my mom told me I could faint if I don't. Or, on a more serious note, although switching conditioners is clearly a serious matter when you need the perfect amount of  softness in your hair, what road to take after graduation is over in a couple of months and I'm no longer an undergraduate but a graduate. I have plans as to what I want to do after my years as an undergrad are over, but seeing how those plans of mine unfold is what I'm looking forward to seeing. I'm excited to see how the Lord blesses those plans or, because He's the boss and this employee of his is under his rule and reign, I'm excited/nervous to see how he completely flips them upside down and leads me to do something completely different. Like perhaps be America's Next Top Model. Okay...sike! Tyra...I won't be sending an audition tape anytime soon.

But, for years my love for singing has currently morphed into this burning desire inside of me to take it to new heights. In two years, I plan on leaving my beloved Cali and heading down to none other than Texas...or how I like to call it Tayxus, (that was my intent of a southern accent) to pursue my passion for worship at the Institute of Christ for the Nations in Dallas for three years. And maybe meet a real life cowboy with a mustache who still thinks overalls are trendy and says git'ur done. But these are my plans, and regardless of my desire to see them played out the way I have mentally organized them too, they are miniature in comparison to the vastness and perfect plans of Jesus. I want to be an English teacher who buys office clothes from New York and Company all she wants, I would love to get my masters before reaching the age of 30, I would love for my plan of moving to Texas to study at CFNI to happen, but more than that, I want my life to matter. I want whatever the Lord has me doing in 10, 20 years to be glorying his holy name, weather it's leading hundreds of people in worship or filing manilla folders in alphabetical order. May my plans be placed at the feet of the Author and Perfecter of my faith so that His will may be manifested so clearly in my life. Let it be His word and not mine.

What are the plans you have set for yourself? Lay them at the feet of Jesus and trust that whatever He decides to accomplish through you is good. Remember, it's not about us. So now if you'll excuse me, I'm ready to turn off my laptop and do some serious knocking out. Drooling and everythang. Holla!